Playing with wooden goats

If you have grown up in a city, chances are you will not think of a goat when farm animals are mentioned. Yet, goats are so valuable to so many people who have grown up in the countryside as they are among the most resilient animals who are so easy to handle. In many parts of the world a goat is a poor man’s cow.

If your children are nature and science lovers, they will be fascinated to learn about goat feeding habits, how goats differ from other milking animals, etc. Young wannabe farmers will be eager to include the facts they learn into their play scenarios, and they will be thrilled to solve problems related to the rearing of goats.

Many young story lovers have already read or listened to the most famous tales about goats, such as “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Three Billy Goats”, “The Two Goats on the Bridge”. One of our favourite modern tales featuring goats is “Beatrice’s Goat” – about a hard-working African girl, who, filled with entrepreneurial spirit, starts rearing a goat and thus takes her family out of poverty. You can easily find more stories using a search engine. Teachers and parents who are interested in folklore and mythology might appreciate reading this article on goats.

The more facts children learn about a topic and the more stories they read or listen to on a topic, the richer and more meaningful their play will be. 

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